Re-learn to Relax



Sessions + Packages to heal + solve problems

Signing up for a single session is a good choice if you are simply seeking to relax in a new way.

Consider choosing a package with multiple sessions if you want to focus on any deep healing or habit-changing needs, or need support through a difficult or stressful time in your life.

Package descriptions are here.


Mind Massage for 21st Century Wellness

A mind massage is a deeply relaxing hypnotic experience that helps your mind unwind and reset. Just like how a physical massage removes tension and keeps your muscles limber, a weekly, bi-weekly, or at least monthly mind massage is an important part of any wellness practice and leaves you with a natural high throughout your day.

Mind massage is also a great way to try out hypnosis for the first time, with no commitment.


 Change your mind,

solve your problems,

heal your world


Explore the healing potential of hypnotherapy

Just one session can have a lasting impact on your life.


Relax deeply, IRL or online

Change Your Mind is based in beautiful Louisville, Kentucky.


Book a Session Now

“Incredible experience! After one session with Devin, I felt so relaxed and focused. I had a really deep sleep the day of my hypnosis session that was so so valuable for my mental health!”

— Julian Baker

Change Your Mind, today.